Demystifying The Fretboard
Learn your major scales using the following info! Start off by learning the major scale on a single string. Then learn your One Octave Scale Shapes. Loading… Then move on to CAGED shapes Loading…
Learn your major scales using the following info! Start off by learning the major scale on a single string. Then learn your One Octave Scale Shapes. Loading… Then move on to CAGED shapes Loading…
Choose a number of notes between 1 and 8 and play it evenly to a metronome on each string in the following order: #1 E A D G B e B G D A #2 E D B e G A #3 E D A G D B G e … Continue reading
As you begin to expand your repertoire you will be exposed to more and more key signatures. You might start noticing that some keys are more common than others and some styles of music use some keys more than others. Also certain instruments are more commonly played in certain keys … Continue reading
The chromatic scale is Western music’s ABCs. It is a symmetrical scale built with twelve consecutive semitones ascending or descending. Most of the instruments we know and use such as the piano keyboard, guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, flute, saxophone, trumpet, xylophone, etc. are equal temperament tuned instruments that utilize the … Continue reading